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MSTA 2017-18 Dr. Homi Bhabha Competition Test Series/ Balvaidynanik Exam Maharashtra : homibhabhacompetition.com
Organisation : Mumbai Science Teachers Association
Contest Name : MSTA 2017-18 Dr. Homi Bhabha Competition Test Series/ Balvaidynanik Exam
Applicable For : Students currently in 6th and 9th standard
Applicable States/UTs : Maharashtra
Course Duration : July 2017 till September 2017
Website : http://homibhabhacompetition.com/index.html
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Dr. Homi Bhabha Competition :
Admission open for 2017-18 Dr. Homi Bhabha Competition Test Series Students currently in 6th and 9th standard can apply
Related : MSTA Dr.Homi Bhabha 2016-17 Competition Test Series : www.contest.net.in/14582.html
Homibhabhacompetition.com website is a comprehensive site for information on Dr. Homi Bhabha Balvaidnyanik Spardha conducted by Mumbai Science Teachers Association. More than 40000 Students appear for this examination every year in Maharashtra.
What you get:
** Guidance in Registering and Enrolling for Examination
** Give details on Syllabus for Examination
** Books to refer for this examination.
** Tips and Tricks to understand the science topics
** An extensive test series consisting of 70 Question papers with more than 3500 Questions for preparation of Dr. Homi Bhabha Balvaidnyanik Competition.
How it works:
** We give complete guidance to Dr. Homi Bhabha Balvaidynanik examination.
** We start by telling you which books you have to purchase for this exam.
** We will tell you the complete syllabus. We will guide students, the topics he has to study on a week to week basis.
** We will send you 70 question papers from July to September.
** We will not send all 70 paper together. We will send 3-4 papers on a weekly basis.
** We will tell you one week prior to the question paper on which topics the next paper are based on.
** After one week when the student receives the paper ,student has to login and answer the papers.
** After answering the paper the student gets 3 reports online.
** First report is which are the right and wrong answer. So he gets the score.
** Second report gives the explanation for wrong and right answer so that the student comes to know what mistakes he has done while answering.
** Third report.
** Based on the answer given by the student we identify which are the strong and the weak areas in the science topics the student has.
** Because every student has 3-4 areas which are weak and we need to identify these areas.
** You will get this report for each and every paper.
** So that you can compare the performance of the student’s topic in various papers.
** We will follow these format on a week to week basis till September.
** Incase student has any queries or want any explanation for answer they can email us or send us on online query.
** Incase the student has school studies/school project or wants to go out for some days, they can skip our papers and answer them when they are free. Student will not miss any paper.
Homi Bhabha Exam:
The Mumbai Science Teachers’ Association conducts Dr. Homi Bhabha Balvaidnyanik Spardha since 1981 to encourage students to take interest in science, to inculcate scientific attitude and to search science talent in students. The competition is conducted for the students studying in VI and IX Std.
This competition is based on scientific knowledge acquired by the students up to std. VI and IX. respectively. This competition is conducted in English and Marathi Medium only. This competition is conducted in three phases as described below.
First Phase:
Written Test:
100 Marks Paper. MCW typoe questions based on Physics, Chemistry and Biology. It also has GK wustions based on science. Around 7.5% students are selected for practicals.
Second Phase:
Written Test:
It will based on science experiments which the students need to perform. 30% marks from written are considered. Top 10 % students are selected for next phase
Third Phase:
a) General interview
b) Evaluation of action research report
a) Top 10% candidates will get Gold Medal, certificate and scholarship of Rs. 1000/-
b) Next 50% candidates will get Silver Medal, certificate and scholarship of 500/-
c) Remaining 40% candidates will get Bronze Medal, certificate and scholarship of 300/-
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