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delhiphotofestival.com Delhi Photo Festival DPF 2015 : Nazar Foundation

Organization : Nazar Foundation
Event Name : Delhi Photo Festival DPF 2015
Event Location : Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Delhi
Event Dates : Oct 30 – Nov 8, 2015

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Website : delhiphotofestival.com

Delhi Photo Festival DPF 2015:
The biennial Delhi Photo Festival, a non-profit initiative of NAZAR FOUNDATION, is India’s first and biggest international photography festival, that brings photography, the real democratic art form, into the public space creating an awareness, appreciation and learning of photography as an art form.

Though primary exhibitions and events will be held at one central location, the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, leading galleries and art institutions of Delhi will join the Delhi Photo Festival as Partner Galleries, mounting independent photography exhibitions and related events in their own spaces, making it a truly city event.

The Delhi Photo Festival is a non-commercial venture. Entry to the primary venue is free to ensure popular & wide-reaching participation.

Dates for Delhi Photo Festival 2015 are Oct 30 – Nov 8.

DPF is committed to maintaining a positive, safe and productive working environment for all during the course of its daily work, lectures, workshops, meetings, festivals and other events. The organization does not tolerate verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature by anyone that harasses, disrupts or interferes with another’s work or that creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment; irrespective of where such harassment is alleged to have taken place, so long as it pertains to a DPF activity. Sexually harassing or offensive conduct in our workplace, whether committed by members or DPF or visiting nonmembers is explicitly prohibited.

“Sexual harassment” includes any one or more of the following unwelcome acts or behaviour (whether directly or by implication) namely; physical contact and advances; or a demand or request for sexual favours; or making sexually coloured remarks’ or any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non vernal conduct of sexual nature.

In the event of an unfortunate incident of the above nature, we commit to provide an immediate access to grievance addressal. The DPF secretariat has a designated anti harassment committee comprising of two females and one male member who can be reached at delhiphotofestival@nazarfoundation.com

The theme for Delhi Photo Festival 2015 is:
to seek, to attain or accomplish a goal
ascend, soar, crave, pursue, strive, yearn, desire, dream, hanker, long, seek, struggle, try, want, wish, aim, endeavour, be ambitious, be eager…

Though the meaning of the word is fairly simple, and noble,it is a complicated word to use today. In an era of globalization and interconnected worlds, ASPIRE has become the ‘buzz’ word seeking to define many of our intentions and actions, as individuals, as societies, as nations. Not all of these are noble because the flip side of aspiration is greed and excess.

We request photo practitioners to think of the theme in its many varied ways, to initiate a vibrant discourse and debate.

Only the print exhibitions need to adhere to the theme.

Digital exhibitions, audio slideshows, multimedia & other programs need not.

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