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IDEA KA FUNDA Bike Rally 2015 Registration Tamil Nadu/Kerala/Karnataka

Competition Name : IDEA KA FUNDA Bike Rally 2015
Applicable For : Motor Bikers, Scooters & Bicyclists
Participating States : Tamil Nadu – Kerala – Karnataka
Dates: 12th & 13th December, 2015
Application Last Date To Win Prize : December 15th, 2015

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IDEA KA FUNDA Bike Rally 2015:
Bike Rally for Ideas on Road Safety in India. Bike Rally to Raise Awareness, Education, Participation and Innovative Ideas for Road Safety in India

Rally will Cover:
Start: Kannyakumari – to Thiruvananthapuram- to- Kochi [Dec. 12th] – to Kozhikode -to Kannur – to Kasaragod – to Mangalore [Dec. 13th]

Download App At Google Play Or Apple App Store for Live Streaming

India has one of the highest numbers of road fatalities in the world [Est. 1.5 Lakh, of which one of the highest is in the state of Kerala with an average of 10-15 people dying each day]. Daily road accidents, deaths, rapes, physical harassment and injuries occur; road travel in India takes a huge human, social, economic and psychological toll on children, women and men. Together we can make a significant impact throughout India, starting from its tip, and moving upwards.

Motor bikers, scooters and bicyclists will ride as part of the Rally. The Idea Ka Funda website and mobile app will Live Stream the Rally and enable people – nationally and internationally, to watch, participate, and join and/or cheer. Press and partners will welcome the Rally participants in each city.

Purpose? :
To encourage innovative ideas to improve road safety and lifestyle of 1.252 billion people of India.

Applications To Win Prize?:
Local representatives at the 7 cities mentioned above will receive Idea Ka Funda Road Rally applications* in sealed envelopes OR, you may submit your application online at IdeaKaFunda.com, no later than December 15th, 2015*

The Best Idea Will Win 1 Crore* Rupees:
Plus, 3 Winners Will Be Chosen By Idea Ka Funda To Star In Its Upcoming Tv Show*.

*Chance to Win 1 Crore – Submit your Innovative Idea for Improvement of Road Safety Online to IdeaKa Funda.com or, at one of the 7 City Centers for the Bike Rally – Paise Ka chance! For more details, application, etc., please see our website at www.ideakafunda.com

Conditions Which Apply To Bike Rally Participants:
1. All must wear helmets (drivers and riders).
2. No alcohol /no drinking and driving.
3. Abide by rules on road (follow speed limits, signals, etc.).
4. Be courteous to everyone.
5. This is not a race. do not break speed limits.
6. This is not a protest. do not scream, shout or be disruptive.
7. This is to bring awareness to road safety. do not be the cause for concern.
8. Have fun!

Tel: (212) 571-1770
Fax:(212) 571-1771

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