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- CSC Olympiad 2020 CANSO/CANMO/CANEO...
CSC Olympiad 2020 CANSO/CANMO/CANEO : cscolympiads.in
Organisation : CSC Academy
Contest Name : CANSO/ CANMO/ CANEO Olympiad 2020
Applicable For : Grade 3rd to 12th
Last Date : 01.08.2020
Website : https://cscolympiad.org/
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CSC Academy Olympiad
Registration through CSCs is open for All Olympiads
Related / Similar Olympiad : CSC Academy CANMO 2021
** CSC Academy – National Science Olympiad – CANSO
** CSC Academy – National Mathematics Olympiads – CANMO
** CSC Academy – National English Olympiad – CANEO
Marking Scheme
** Final Exam will be of 100 marks and with 50 questions having equal marks.
** No Negative Marking.
** Duration of the exam= 1 hour for each paper
Update : All olympiad results will be announced after 15th Nov 2020
How to Register?
Just follow the below steps to register for CANSO/ CANMO/ CANEO 2020.
Steps :
Step 1 : Visit the official website of CSC Academy through provided above.
Step 2 : Next, click on the “Register” button in the home page.
Step 3 : You can register by the following ways,
** Register General User
** Login as VLE
Step 4 : Select any one methods and fill the registration form with the required details.
Step 5 : Finally, click on “Save” button to complete your registration.
Note :
Student registered by VLE received their credentials by 10th May, 2020.
CSC Olympiad Exam Schedule
S.No. | Examination | Eligible Classes | Date of Examination |
1. | CSC Academy English Olympiad -CANEO | 3 to 12 | 12-17 October |
2. | CSC Academy Hindi Olympiad – CANHO | 3 to 12 | 15-17 October |
3. | National Physics Olympiad – CANPO | 11 &12 | 19-21 October |
4. | National Chemistry Olympiad – CANCO | 11 &12 | 19-21 October |
5. | National Biology Olympiad – CANBO | 11 &12 | 19-21 October |
6. | CSC Academy Science Olympiad – CANSO | 3 to 10 | 22-24 October |
7. | CSC Academy Math Olympiad – CANMO | 3 to 12 | 26-28 October |
** Test Timing – 9AM to 6PM.
** The online proctored test window will become open 15 minutes prior to the test
Exam Platform
** Remote Proctoring online Platform will be used for fare assessment.
** The exam will be conducted in a highly secured environment on cloud.
** This will be a timed and open test.
** You can practise test with sample questions.
** The exam will be a remote proctored examination.
** The application will capture and verify digital identification as verification.
** Candidate needs to login using his/her login credentials. (ID and password).
** It tracks candidate’s face and also tracks if there is any doubt of proxy or more than one candidate taking test i.e. impersonation will be auto flagged and test will be paused until candidate resume on its genuine position.
** The application tracks activity on the user’s monitor screen, provides warning or terminates the test if any unwarranted application is opened during the test. i.e. browsing tolerance will be zero during the test
** Exams are displayed full-screen browser and cannot be minimized. And if its done test will be treated as finished.
** Exams cannot be exited until submitted by users.
** Switching between tests or access to other applications is prohibited.
** Print, Print Screen and capturing functions are disabled.
** Copying and pasting anything to and from an assessment is prohibited.
** Right-click menu options and function keys are disabled.
** Audio and video chat streaming to proctor the exam remotely.
** High speed internet, webcam and power back up is must during the test.
** USB, VGA and HDMI projection will be not possible.
Awards & Recognition
** Participation Certificates (Digital) to all the students and student who secure 70% and above will get certificate of excellence.
** Detailed performance Analysis report.
** His/her Rank at National, State, District, City/Town, School level.
** CSC Academy course offer.
** Chance to win awards.
** Cash prize (National Level, State Level, District level)
** Top rankers school Principals and the teachers/parents may be invited and honored in Event. Management may decide more prizes.
Important Dates
** Last date of registration – 1st August 2020
** CANSO, CANMO, CANEO Mock Test will be available from 15 May 2020
** Online Test date of final olympiad will be announced in first Week of August 2020
how do we know our state ranking ? how do we look up the national and statewise result sheet ? when can we have the certificate of excellence ?
How do I get my login and get certificate of 2020 olympiads participation
sir when you will announce other ranks.Our result for analysis is olso not provided.please reply
will there be formal prize distribution ceremony? or does anyone have any idea from where we can obtain our cash prize?
Sir only three students are selected From one Olympiad firstly you said 18 will be selected and you have also not told rank at national,state,district level of all Please tell and announce other students for award. Thankyou
I think they have fooled us.They said it before so that more students participate in exam.
Results are out my rank 2 in 11 class . Who is first one ?
My Rank in class 11 is 3rd
Sir my baby get 1st rank in mathematics olympiad for 4th class. Will he get prize or not
My daughter also got rank…plz tell next process ABT prize money
Sir when I will get my CSC hindi Olympiad 2020 result
anyone gets his/her class 11 biology rank please reply. and in how many of you have null rank written on score sheet.
kindly let us know on ranking of students
Sir please tell when result come I m waiting from a long time please sir tell
Results are out i am selected for award
How can I know my CSC academy hindi Olympiad result 2020
When will result come.plz tell
when will reasult come
Till now I don’t get any information of CSC Olympiad results 2020. Please inform me how can I get my Olympiad result because it’s 26th of December but then also I don’t get my results.

when will the results be announced for cscolympiad 2020?
Till now i don’t get any information of csc olympiad results. Please tell me how can i get my olympiad result because it’s 26th of December now.
CSC olympiads results are declared but how and when the names of students will be declared for awards ?
also the highest scored subject wise is to be declared
kindly inform.
after 15 december notice from csc headquarters
kindly advise how to check results of CSC olympiads 2020 results as today we are on 17th November and it was mentioned that results will be declared after 15th November.
Thank you in anticipation.
After 20 december
Sir please tell me when the results of this exam is coming
Result date plzz tell me sir
The results will be available on 15 november
Sir when i give exam then only 1 was question was there
Result kab ayega
गणित विषयाचा निकाल कधी आहे?
when will the results be announced for cscolympiad 2020?
Sir is the question gave from the given test
some questions match from the mock test
yes some questions directly come from the mock tests
From which subject = english,hindi,maths,science,G/K,. pleas reply me aradhana
i am also CSC OLYMPIAD student so that i can help you . I am choos maths subject.
Aradhana pleas repiy me from today . evening 4’o clock ok aradhana
may i know the syllabus of science Olympiad 2020 for class 10
I gave the CANEO final test today and got just the participation certificate instantly. When will the result be declared???????
Which test had you done
pls reply j
kar dijiyega kya questions test series me se aaye the
pls reply plss
how can i practice test and mock test
you need to have a system …… a laptop or a desktop for instance
my personal experience says that it doesn’t work on mobile phone
Sir, I am a registered student for CSC Olympiad. I have a query that which VLE will conduct my exam if I have registered for the Olympiad myself.
when is the final date august was gone acording to your date anounce in august.sir i want the date as soon as posible.I want a reply please.
when is the final exam date i want a reply.
sir please conform us about Exam dates….
7250344xxx exjam date
What is happening here?…. Everyone is asking for dates of final olympiad but not even a single person is replying to this!….what’s the matter??…may I assume that this was just for making money from the students?? Or is there some other problem??….all of us are eagarly waiting for dates!…please confirm the dates!
sir i wanna know the final date of examination . when was it…..
May I please know the final date of maths olympiad its already the third week of August. And according to you dates were to be announced on 1st week.
when is maths olympiad. pls do inform
When will the exams be held? The first week of august is gone and we are still not informed. Also, we paid for the books but we still don’t have them.
Sir please inform about the date of English exam and math csc Olympiad
Can you please inform the exam date of maths csc olympiad as the first week of august has gone and I am not knowing the exam date
sir csc olympiad final exam date?
Sir/ma’am when the final dates of the Olympiads’ will be announced? It was supposed to be announced in the first week of August, till now no update regarding the dates! Kindly update the dates as soon as possible..
What is a date of final math test
What is the examination date of CANSO Olympiad?????
sir what is the date of csc science olympiad paper.
sir when is the final exam of the csc science olympiad,please announced the date harruyply
Please reveal the final exam date.Two weeks of august has been passed, so please.
Announce the final olympaid date.
What is the exam date of English Olympiad please tell
Sir what’s the date of csc science Olympiad sir you say that the date was announced in the first week of August
But that is wrong please tell me the date
What is date of math’s test
please say the date of examination
What’s the date for science Olympiad??????????
Please annouce the date of CSC Olympaid exams
Pl let me know the final exam date for English 6th Std.
Plzzz announce the date of English Olympiad…
What is date of mathematic test. Class is 5th and 8th
Plzz announce the date of English class 9th
What is the examination date of science Olympiad (CANSO)?
What is the date of chemistry olyampiad 2020
Date of final exam CANSO
The first week of August has passed and still there’s no notification of the exact exam dates.(I want dates for Maths) Till when should we expect it to be?
What is date of math exam online
The first week of August has passed and still there’s no notification of the exact exam dates.(I want dates for biology and English olympiads) Till when should we expect it to be?
hindi olympiad date
hindi olympiad date
English Olympiad exam date Kat hai
Date for English Olympiad?
What is the date of last CSC Olamped ??????
I was also looking that
They said they will release on the first week of August
What is the date of Olamped ??????
What is the date of last CSC Olamped
Where can I get sample questions?
What is the pass mark
Please let me know how can I register for science Olympiad for my daughter
kindly contact at number provided below
CSC VLE Rajpura
kindly contact at number provided below
CSC VLE Rajpura
State syllabus
where to download syllabus for students.
please mail link at email khiple.davindersingh AT gmail.com
Sir CSC olympaid Exam final date?
August 1st week is closed,when was announced sir….?
Please tell me sir