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Parle Snack & Win Promo Offer 2020 : parle.rewardzpromo.com

Organisation : Parle Biscuits Pvt Ltd Ltd
Contest Name : Snack & Win Promo Offer 2020
Applicable For : India (except Tamil Nadu)
Last Date : 31.07.2021
Website : http://parle.rewardzpromo.com/

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Parle Snack & Win Promo Offer

Parle Biscuits Pvt Ltd Ltd lucky draw promotion for consumers, sponsored and launched by Parle Biscuits Pvt Ltd Ltd and conducted by RewardPort.

Update :
The contest was suspended from 1st April 2020 to 16th August 2020 due to unanticipated Covid-19 lockdown and the codes/rewards will be announced only after 17th August, also Paytm movie voucher has been replaced with Paytm cash, now enjoy from the comfort and safety of your home.

Promotion Period

The Promotion is valid only in India (except Tamil Nadu)from 17th August 2020 to 31st July 2021(herein after referred as “Promotion Period”). Promotion is open to Citizens of India only.


** This Promotion will be open to all the residents of India with the exception of state of Tamil Nadu and the phone numbers belonging to the state of Tamil Nadu.

** Parle Biscuits Pvt Ltd Ltd or the Partner Agency will not be responsible for any NDNC (National Do Not Call) Registry regulation that will come into play.

How to Participate?

To participate in the Promotion, Participants have to send an SMS:

(i) As a first step, Participants are required to send an SMS with a valid Offer Code printed on the pack from any GSM or CDMA mobile phone. e.g. (PARLE<space>UniqueCode) 8652631525 *Standard sms charges apply

(ii) After sending the SMS, Participant will get a confirmation through an SMS about the participation. For example: Thanks for participating in the Parle lucky draw campaign. You will be contacted, if you are one of the lucky winners.


(i) Per Day Prize : Rs.200 Paytm Movie Voucher
Every Day 100 lucky consumer will stand a chance to win Rs.200 Paytm Movie Voucher. Lucky winners will be informed about the reward of Rs.200 Paytm movie voucher through SMS on the next working day after the participation.

(ii) Every even day Prize : Mobile Phone
Every even day 1 lucky consumer will stand a chance to win a Mobile phone worth Upto Rs. 10,000. Total 90 winners will be announced during the campaign period . The brand, Model and colour of the mobile phone will be decided by Parle and Partner Agency.

Winner Selection

(i) A draw through random scientific selection will be conducted every day for the previous day’s entries for selection of the winners.

(ii) Prizes will be given subject to the winner satisfying the verification process of Parle Biscuits Pvt Ltd or the Partner Agency.
(iii) The winner generation will be done on the basis of Valid Offer Code.

Contacting Winners

(i) Once the Winners are selected, the Partner Agency appointed by Parle Biscuits Pvt Ltd shall process the Rewards to the registered mobile number within 48 working hours excluding public holidays and Saturday & Sundays. Winners will also get a confirmatory message of having won the prize.

(ii) Parle Biscuits Pvt Ltd at its discretion may ask the Winners to furnish any or all of the following documents
** AADHAR Card,
** Election ID card,
** Passport,
** Driving License or similar Government ID.

(iii) Winners will be required to retain and furnish on demand the wrapper of the pack with the winning code.
(iv) Winners will be required to furnish Valid proof of ownership of participating mobile number.

How to Redeem the Mobile phone?

** Lucky winners will be informed about the reward of Mobile Phone through SMS. Winners will have to follow the steps mentioned on the website link to redeem the Mobile phone.

** Winner will receive a code on SMS along with the Link to redeem the code, winner visits the website, enters the code, Name, Address of delivery, email ID and other details, then clicks on submit.

** The Mobile delivery will take approx. 15-21 working days.


For any queries please email to parle [AT] rewardport.in or Call 022 – 4027 0000. Lines open from Monday to Friday between 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM

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  1. Chandan

    I want ticket of movie FDDFA96AD




  3. angel baisoya

    PLEASE GIVE ME A EMAIL for my price my code is WC750E237


  4. Parth Khera

    I am very excited to get the reward the code is W0AAF2AA0 Please givee the satisfaction

  5. Prabhakar

    This offer showing year 2020 .I bought a pack on 03/07/2021 are you selling snacks ofter expiry date

  6. abhishek verma

    not recived any reply after send code to your number

    1. Jahnavi

      may be you have not send it properly Abhishek…..

  7. ?.........?

    My code is WDE197962

  8. Umme zoha

    Winner one is very lucky 😊😊😊

  9. Sowmya KC

    Thankyou Parle for your nice gesture.🙏

    I have won a mobile in Snack n Win contest. A very nice encouragement

    You will not only retain your customers but also increase the customer base.

    Best of luck Parle G enius…..😊

    1. Ganesh prabhu

      Is it genuine or fack we can trust

  10. maheshwar Kumar

    My code is 8652631525

  11. Ronaq

    My code is W96D4F043

  12. Hiiii

    I want to win 😭😭

  13. Arint Mario

    Hi How to redeem code shown in parles piri piri flavor code:WC9C778B4

  14. Mmmm

    This is a very poor

  15. Hitesh

    Pls select me as a winner to win a mobile pls

    1. Anonymous

      Ok sure ,what about tomorrow

    2. Aditya

      My code is WBA2F21AF

  16. Kumara.A

    I saw many offers many contests,I have never seen who has got one person prize.i a also buying many parli G buscit in childhood.i loves 💘 parli g buscit.i have participated in many parli contests.i have never got a prize.

  17. rakesh

    i have already done all the step by step process but still i did not recieve any msg from parle

  18. Ishita

    What will I get

    1. Praveen

      what do u need?

  19. D. Madan Mohan

    Have a nice day.

    1. Kaushik

      My code is CB5808C11

  20. Kedarr

    Hi I have won mobile phone. Just wanted to know the brand of mobile phone. If anybody knows it pls reply.

  21. Arya

    Company Please tell me how can I sms in it and where I will SMS there is any number or link ???

  22. Anonymous

    Please tell me how can I sms in it

  23. Chidananda

    Hi sir I’m sending promo code reply send me please

  24. lalit kumar

    I also SMS this offer but I also got this prize

  25. Priyansh jaiswal

    Yippee noodles is very tasty

  26. prem

    hello company if i am lucky winner this is my adress
    lakshmi nilaya,near ashok international public school,kammagondanahalli,560015
    evan i have many chips so ican send many code


    sir my winning prize Bike send me my address SHASHIKUMAR.MN.s/o NANJUNDAPPA.MD MYLANAHALLIKOPPALU.

  28. Anto Davis

    According to your add June month finishing this contest, but still on going this SMS. This is not fair

  29. Ram bilas

    I not got prize why?

  30. Madhavan. D

    Where should we message

    1. You

      This is not wark

  31. Shivani

    My favourite yippee magy

  32. Ramadan

    Pl, declare winners list

  33. Balasaheb

    Please, increase the contest dates and available this contest products in anywhere.parle help poor people in lockdown condition.so,Thanks parle and their all related people.parle get opportunity for middle class people as like we to complete dream through contest.Thanks and waiting positively

  34. Dhiraj Mochahary

    I also SMS this offer but I also got this prize

  35. Omkar

    Yippee noodles is my favourite noodles

    1. Balasaheb

      Please, increase the contest dates and available this contest products in anywhere.parle help poor people in lockdown condition.so,Thanks parle and their all related people.parle get opportunity for middle class people as like we to complete dream through contest.Thanks and waiting positively

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