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My NEP Competition 2020 Painting/ Short Film/ Meme/ Poster : mynep.in
Organisation : Government of India, Education Department
Contest Name : My NEP Competition 2020 [Result declared now]
Hashtags : #NewNEPNewIndia , #MyNEP
Applicable For : Indian Citizens
Last Date : 2nd October 2020
Website : mynep [dot] in
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My NEP Competition
Participate My NEP Competition Now and Get Recognized!
Related / Similar Contest : MyGov Poshan Quiz Contest 2020
My NEP Competition Result
Check #MyNEP Competition Result on the official website
Check Result Here : mynep.in/nep_fe/en/home#result_winner_section
The Competition is valid only for Indian citizens, residing in India and shall take place pan India.
Competition Categories
Class 9th To 12th:
** 2 Min. Speech
** Handmade Poster
** Letter to PM
** 300 words Essay
** Meme Making
Undergraduate & above:
** Short Film
** Digital Poster Making
** Painting / Handmade poster
** Minimum 8 Tweet Thread
** Meme Making
Citizen’s Category (Open for all):
** Short Film
** Digital Poster Making
** Painting / Handmade poster
** Minimum 8 Tweet Thread
** Meme Making
Competition Topics
1. Painting Competition:
1.You are free to make digital/handmade poster around the theme (NEP)
2.You can make any form of painting -color/sketch/cartoon as per your interest
3.You can choose any size or type of paper you need to make your painting
4.One participant can post only one single painting and not more
5.The designs should be original
6.The final submission must be made by posting a scanned/clicked photo of your painting/poster along with the hashtag #NewNEPNewIndiaand tag us @MyNEPinon Facebook/Twitter/Instagram
2. Meme Making Competition;
1.One must use positive images to illustrate their point
2.Use of obscene images, abusive words or any similar content is strictly prohibited
3.The final submission must be made by posting the photo of your meme along with the hashtag #NewNEPNewIndiaand tag us @MyNEPinon Facebook/Twitter/ Instagram
3. Letter To The Prime Minister Competition:
1.The letter must be addressed to The Prime Minister
2.The letter can be both handwritten or typed
3.There is no word limit
4.The content of the letter should strictly adhere to the theme of the competition, i.e., National Education Policy
5.The final submission must be made by posting a scanned/clicked/typed photo of your letter along with the hashtag #NewNEPNewIndiaand tag us @MyNEPinon Facebook/Twitter/ Instagram
4. Two MinsSpeech Competition:
1.The video of your speech can be recorded in any language
2.The video must not be more than 2 minutes
3.The video must be shot from your rear camera and NOT by the front camera
4.Use of any unparliamentarylanguage is strictly prohibited failing to which, your participation will stand cancelled
5.The final submission must be made by posting the video along with the hashtag #NewNEPNewIndiaand tag us @MyNEPinon Facebook/Twitter/ Instagram
5. Short Essay Competition:
1.The essay must not be more than 300 words
2.The content of the essay should strictly adhere to the theme of the competition, i.e., National Education Policy
3.The final submission must be made by posting a scanned/screenshot/clicked photo of your essay along with the hashtag #NewNEPNewIndiaand tag us @MyNEPinon Facebook/Twitter/ Instagram
For Category Wise Competition Topics, Click Here : https://www.contest.net.in/uploads/pdf2020/44492-rules.pdf
** National Prize – Gold, Silver, Bronze
** Prize money- 10K, 5K, 3K respectively
** Language wise Prize in each competition
Competition Process
** Register to Enter #MyNEP Contest
** Watch NEP Tutorial to score better
** Enter Quiz & Answer Questions on NEP
** Get your result with #MyNEP Score
** Download Your #MyNEP Official Certificate
** Upload & Submit your #MyNEP entry (Creative Text, Image or Video)
Competition Period
The competition is time bound and you can submit your entries in respective competitions from 25th September 2020 to 2nd October 2020.
Competition Terms
1. The Terms and Conditions shall prevail over any inconsistent terms, conditions, provisions or representations contained in any other promotional or advertising materials.
2. The Organization has endeavoured to make all reasonably practicable arrangements to minimize communication system difficulties but can make no guarantee therefore and shall not be liable for any failures in the same.
3. The Winners will be announced on MyNEP social media platforms within time as deemed proper by Vidya Bharati, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Organization’.
3. The selection of Winners lies solely with the Organization and the decision of the Organization in the selection of the Winners is final, conclusive, and binding and no further appeal, inquiry and/or correspondence in this regard shall be entertained. In case of disputes, the Organization’s decision shall be final and binding on one and all.
4. The Organization shall not be responsible for any loss, injury or any other liability arising out of the Competition upon anyone.
5. The participants explicitly agree that the entries submitted by them are their own creation and not copied from any other works.
6. Any entries that are submitted in violation of any third party’s copyright or trademark, used without the permission of the author or the owner, defamatory, illegal, hateful, sexually explicit, harmful or unfit according to the Organization will not be considered as a valid entry and may be removed from the page.
When will the winners of NEP Competition get their reward please informe
When will the winners receive their prize
When the result of hanmade poster in citizens category 3
My name is Isha Pranavkumar Shukla
Sanskrit 2 minit Speech me mera second number aaya. Abhi tak koi fon ya मेसेज nahi aaya. Pls help
Nice Policy.
Sir,I am from Tamil Nadu I have
participated in handmade poster for
category 9to12std(tamil) but the result says no winners.
So,I request you to reconsider
the result.
Sir, you had extended registration date to October 2nd . What is the last date of uploading entry?
How should check the result.
I wanna to swA the results of 5 october
can u pls tell us where we can check our results for handmade poster category1 . i am waiting for the results for past 2 days.
Result kaisa nikla jya ga??????
I am Himanshi Goyal student of XII , Gita Girl School, Kurukshetra ( Haryana ), participated in MyNep Competition. Awaited for Result. Unable to see result on mentioned website address.
pl confirm on . 8894788xxx/ himanshi.goyal2004 AT gmail.com
Sir I have won 1000 cash prize in painting hand made post Competition but I haven’t receive yet.plz sir inform me about it.what will be the procedure?
I want to say that m nep competition is very interesting and amazing and I am appreciating the new education policy.
I want to say that my nep competition is very much interesting and amazing and I am appreciating the new education policy.
मै मधु गनवीरे यह बहुत ही सराहनीय है और अच्छी पहल है धन्यवाद
I am Renu Malik namaste I also say that my anynep competition is very useful to me It is very glad to have new education policy dry a handmade painting
Hello I have participated in myNEP contest and am waiting for results and I don’t know are they declared or not from where I can see my result
Nep ka result kb aaega
When is the result of 2 min speech?
Results kab aenge comptition ke
Results kab doge bhai
Aaj 5 hai result nhi ylaye ab tak
Result kab ayega
You have mentioned date is today
Result btaiye competition ke
Main apna nibandh my nep website per jama Kiya hai per mujhe pata nahin hai ki main uska result kaise dekhun kya bata sakte hain Koi ki uska result kaise aur kab dekhna hai
when the results will the results will be announced ?
In which plateform results will be announced as today is 5 october pls reply urgently
Today is the day of result when the result will be announced?
Ragini pattnaik kya kal aapko is competition ka result mil gya
Kyonki mujhe iska result kal mila hi nhi, mene bahut try kiya
Please bataiye
Please give your help line number
I am Bharti
I want handmade poster
Competition k prizes kab batya jayge
I am Surya Narayan Rout
I want to Meme Made.
Surya Narayan Rout
I am Surya Narayan Rout,
I,also say that mynew competition is
very use ful to me.lt is very glad to have new Education police. Plesae allow
made mime
October 3,2020
I have uploaded my poster in NEP competition. I have not received any information regarding this.Please inform
result kase ayga check kase krna hai koi bhi information nhi please tell?
It’s changed our education system
My nep digital poster and hand made poster competition ka result kab aayega
Good morning all of you
I want to paricipate in painting competition but last date 2 0ct had gone.what can i do ?
I want to paricipate in painting compition but last date 2 0ct had gone.what can i do ?
Hello I am Amrita Adak
I uploaded my essay writing
#mynep #mynewnepnewIndia
I have upload my essay writing I win first prize $ 10,000 prize i am very excited about the prize

How did you get to know that you won the first prize??
Just a query!
You are telling lye
Result kaise check kiya please batao
How to get result …no more information about result’s announcment……..plzzz tell me..
बहुत ही सराहनीय कदम है शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में
धन्यवाद मोदी जी।
राष्ट्रीय नई शिक्षानीति से नई पीढ़ी को शसक्त व् आत्मनिर्भर बनाने तथा पुरे भारत को एक सूत्र में पिरोने में मदद मिलेगी।सम्पूर्ण भारत के बन्धु,भगिनी नई शिक्षा के नाते एक छत के नीचे होंगे।
Essay is not uploading
Iam sakshi
Namaste class 11B
handmade poster competition
What is this?
Please tell me what is topic
Results kab aaenge
I also says to you that my Nep competition is very happy. Please give me my certificate.
I hope it a very appreciable step of the government and it will,confirmly, be able to shift the extra burden from the shoulders of the student.
હાથ થી પોસ્ટર બનાવવા માટે કોઈ વિષય કરો કે પછી પોતાની રીતે જ પોતાની પસંદગી નું કોઈ પણ પોસ્ટર બનાવી શકાય??
I want to particepate in essay competition.
Essay is not uploading.
Please tell me how we upload the painting and topic of painting
Latter to pm
आशा व विश्वास है कि नयी शिक्षानीति 2020 के लागू हो जाने से हमारी संस्कृति, शिक्षामूल्य, अक्षुण हो सकेगा साथ अभिशापरुपी मैकाले शिक्षा पद्धति से मुक्ति मिल सकेगी।इस शिक्षानीति में पूज्य टैगोर महोदय,महात्मागांधी एवं स्वमीविवेकानन्द जी आदि शिक्षाविशेषज्ञों की शिक्षानीतियों का समावेश है।इसके लागू हो जाने से युवाओं में शिल्प कला,वेद,विज्ञान, वैदिक गणित, कला का भरपूर ज्ञान भावीपीढ़ी को असानी से प्राप्त हो सकेगा।यह शिक्षानीति नवीन भारत के निर्माण मेंं बहुत ही उपयोगी सिद्ध होगी ।
गांधी जी
शिक्षा नीति 2020 शिक्षा को भारत केन्द्रित शिक्षा, गुणवत्ता युक्त शिक्षा बनायेंगी ऐसा विश्वास है
new education Policy for New India for all generation and all should spread the threads of new policy for better future.
Digital poster based on the national education policy is very good for all citizens and youths
We wanted to enter our name on easy paper ?
what is the theme of the painting and letter to pm …
What is the theam of painting competition
Topic of painting is related to new education system and upload in form of jpg image
Yes I also these tick mark questions answere
For what purpose is this website
I just wanna know the topic for speech!
Can we choose any other topic for any particular activity…or we have to do the activity on my NEP only …plz reply
I feel it is very good opportunity to know about the new education policy 2020 in an official platform and encourage the people to participate in differnt competition and acknowlege their thoughts and feelings regards nep 2020.
Essay is not uploading
according to this my nep competition and thanks for this app this app a very because quiz and certified give to all.and I think Mr P.m. modi Ji the start to all member.

मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगा कि ऐसे प्रतियोगिता करवाई जा रही हैं मुझे लगता है कि बहुत जल्दी हमारा भारत फिर से नम्बर वन में आ जाएं गा डिजिटल मे
How to upload speech recording
20 September 2020
राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति प्रयोग आधारित,जीवनमूल्य परक हो।जिसमें रामचरित मानस,गीता,पाठ्यक्रम में रहना चहिय्र।
What’s the topic of essay plz tell me
Please let me know the topic on which we are suppose to make poster?
Prime minister to the letter
i am a teacher in balak ashram binjhe block keshkal dist.Kondagaon (cg)
Prime minister to the letter
What’s the topic of essay plz tell me
महात्मा गांधी जी।
Please mention what topic for drwan or we can. Select any poster and painting
Shivam Kumar
I Uploaded a photo with a msg. Is it right or not? It is a motivated msg. Plz give your reply to my mail id: krishnasanagapalli AT gmail.com
is there any particular topic for speech
Very good platform to prove ones talent, also mauritius feedback to our new NEP 2020.
Thank you for giving this golden opportunity. This is john from vizag. I hope that plzz send this msg to all people in world . In our world so many people have there own talent and this competitiom hepls them a little for there survive. I realy encourage and support for the sponsers who is conduct this such an amazing cometition. If i am sorry to say any thing. Love u all
This competition is so interested.This will be useful for many people by showing there different talents. We also know that many of the people have a very amazing talent but that should not bring out because many problems like no one giving any chance to show there talents. I really support this competitio because of to conduct such an amazing program . I wish you all particiants and thank you so much for giving this lovely opportunity.
It’s nice to about the new education policy…recommendations for the Good work
I like at interest in competition Gardens
New way of education is very cool. I feel this healf many people to show our their talents and get to know new things… good work in my gratuate way.
New Education policy 2020 is very useful. Especially ECCE connecting to Primary education and it’s strengthening is very nice. I woulike to participate regarding ECCE poster making.
Good information
New way of education is very cool. I feel this healts many people toshow our their talents and get to know new things…good work in my gratuate way..
Please mention the topics related to speech
Please mention the topics related to speech
Nice its really good for all the students and cityzens of india good keep it up
Jyoti saini
New way of education is very cool…I feel this helps many people to show out their talents and get to know new things….good work in my way
It is very nice to about the new education policy….good work
Pls mention the subjects
Will be happy to participate in such a interesting and informative competition. I have interest in all these political activities and will be very happy .
Thanks for organizing this event.
Certificate is not come to my home only download the photo
Please mention what and which topics. Speech
Thanks Mr P.m modi JI started to this app all members. Thanks
Please btao digital art me kya bnana h
Plzz mention the topics of essay writing
I Would like to endroll myself on speech competetions
I like and Interest in compitation Gidens
Please mention the topics of essay writing.
Please mention the topics related to essay writing.
pls mention what topic for draw , or we can select any topic to make poster and painting ,
Which standard allowed in painting competation.
Pls mention what and which topic for draw and. Sppech
I want to write Essay on New educational [policy in Odia language. Also I take part in all the activities of category 3 Regarding NEP. It is very pleasure to participate.
It is very glad to have New Education Policy. In our childhood we had similar kind of system in which I spent 3 years of schooling without any school bag. Where I played with clay, various geometrical shapes, puzzles and many more. I recalled all those my happy days.
हस्त निर्मित पोस्टर
according to this MyNeP competition there are handmade poster making for categories 9th-12th standared classes and my question is in this handmade poster competition,
is there any particular topic? or we can select any one topic to make poster?
Pls mention subject and language of 2 min speech.
Yes I also ask these particular questions which is given like comments please tells any answer or reply to that questions so that we can understand about it
In handmade poster competition,
is there any particular topic?
Iam, santanukumarRay.
I,also say that myNep competition is very use ful to me. It ls very glad to have New Education police. Plesae allow draw printing
I am Renu Malik
I also say that my nep competition is very useful to me it is very glad to have new education policy. draw handmade painting