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Zee Telugu Kutumbam Awards Voting 2020 : zeetelugu.zee5.com

Organisation : Zee Telugu (zeetelugu.zee5.com)
Facility Name : ZKA Zee Kutumbam Awards Voting 2020
Applicable For : Zee Telugu Viewers
Hashtags : #ZeeKutumbamAwards2020, #ZKA2020, #ZeeTelugu
Website :https://zeetelugu.zee5.com/

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Zee Telugu Kutumbam Awards Voting

The tradition of celebrating bonds and relationship is back with the 10th Zee Telugu Kutumbam Awards. Find out more here!

Related / Similar Voting : Zee Tamil Kudumba Viruthukal Voting 2020

Zee Telugu is back celebrating the importance of relationships and friendships with the prestigious Zee Telugu Kutumbam Awards 2020. The world of the awards is getting bigger, better, and grander. Introduced in 2011, the Zee Kutumbam Awards has been an integral part of Zee Telugu. So, despite a obstacles like the Coronavirus pandemic, the tradition of celebration continues.

The 10th edition of Kutumbam Awards will continue celebrating and acknowledging the hard work of your favourite stars, and they will be awarded for spreading happiness in such a stressful time. Like every year, the awards revolve around a particular theme. This year, the theme will be ‘Kotha bandhalu- Sarikotha Anubhandhalu‘, which means new relationships.

Who Can Vote?

The Viewers interested in participating in the Poll must be above the age of eighteen (18) years, must be a citizen of India and must be a resident of India during the applicable Poll Period.

How To Vote?

Send your vote to 57575.

Voting Format:
** Uttama Serial (ZKAUS<space>Code Number)
** Madhyanam Muchataina Janta (ZKAMMJ<space>Code Number)
** Uttama Jodi (ZKAUJ<space>Code Number)
** Madhyanam Maha Serial (ZKAMMS<space>Code Number)

Categories & Nominees

The Categories and the Nominees are as follows

Uttama Serial :
A: Attarintlo Akka Chellellu
B: Hitler Gari Pellam
C: Radhamma Kuthuru
D: Rama Chakkani Sita
E: No.1 Kodalu
F: Trinayani
G: Prema Entha Madhuram
H: Kalyana Vaibhogam
I : Suryakantham

Zee Telugu Kutumbam Awards 2020 : Vote For Your Uttama Serial [Unofficial Voting]

Uttama Jodi :
A: Tharani-Adhithya
B: Bhanumathi-Abinav
C: Akshara-Arvind
D: Seetha-Ramarajeev
E: Sarasu-Rahul
F: Nayani-Vishal
G: Anu-Aryavarthan
H: Manga-Jai
I : Surya-Jaithu

Zee Telugu Kutumbam Awards 2020 : Vote For Uttama Jodi [Unofficial Voting]

Madhyanam Muchataina Janta:
A: Badhu-Srinivas
B: Tulasi-Adithya
C: Geetha-Ram
D: Ruthula-Mathu
E: Rya-Rocky

Zee Telugu Kutumbam Awards 2020 : Vote For Madhyanam Muchataina Janta [Unofficial Voting]

Madhyanam Maha Serial :
A: Maate Mantramu
B: Bangaru Gajulu
C: Raktha Sambandham
D: Gundamma Katha
E: Ninne Pelladatha
F: Thoorpu Padamara

Zee Telugu Kutumbam Awards 2020 : Vote For Madhyanam Maha Serial [Unofficial Voting]

Prestigious Trophy

Yes, this is the precious trophy of this year and Ramya Krishnan is among the award presenters. The other stars that will grace the special evening are Megastar Chiranjeevi’s brother Naga Babu, Renu Desai, Koti, Sudha Chandran, Chandra Bose, and many more.

Award Presentees

From Omkar to Jani Master, Anasuya, Nidhhi Agerwal and Avika Gor, the who’s who of Telugu industry will be present to cheer the entertainers of the year. There will be doses of laughter thanks to the skits performed by Gully Boyz and Rowdy Boyz, crowd-pleasing performances by your favourite telly stars, special singing performances of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Telugu’s contestants, and lots more. There will be 50 nominations, divided between Jury and Viewers’ Choice Awards.

This special night will be divided into two parts and telecasted on November 1 and November 8. Get ready to be dazzled, and keep reading this space to find out how to vote for your favourite stars!

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  1. varshini j

    vote fot kalayana vibhogam

  2. Sarasati darjee from Bhutan

    Kundali Bhagya

  3. Prince

    vote for kalyana vibhogam

  4. Anonymous

    Pls vote for Prema entha madhuram serial

  5. Ramarao

    Please vote for prima entha mad ur am serial

  6. P Nagendra

    My favourite serial kalyana vaibhogam. Plz vote kalyana vaibhogam serial

  7. Villu

    Plz vote for Prema entha Madhuram

    1. Amrutha

      Yes that is a beautiful serial

  8. Radhika

    Vote for kalyana vibhogam serail

  9. KUSHI

    Always kalyana vaibogam serial for all the nomination s from kalyana vaibogam serial my vote is for them


    I like attarintlo akka chellelu and hitla gari pellam serials these both are my favorite serials in zee telugu

    1. M.ramesh

      My mom like prema entha madhuram

  11. Jyothsna

    I love KALYANA VAIBHOGAM serial very much.I love sunny and meghana acting very much


    I LIKE NO1 KODALU serial very much

  13. Kishore

    I like Prema entha madhuram

  14. Nataraj santhi

    i think it is a big process to vote .simple voting procedure pettalsindi like missedcalls lantivi.sorry it is my advice only

  15. Anonymous

    My favorite serial Prema enthamaduram super serial

  16. Nirmala

    I like Prema enta madhuram serial

    1. Nataraj santhi

      yes uttama jodi,serial as well as song also.i love prema enta maduram serial

    2. Suchitha

      yes..it’s very good serial.

  17. manu

    My favourite serial is radhamma kuthuri that serial is so nice actually it is realistic

  18. Ammulu


  19. Snehitha


  20. Snehitha


  21. Nirmala

    My mother likes Prema enta madhuram serial she likes that serial very much

  22. Nirmala

    My mother likes Prema enta madhuram serial she likes that very much

  23. Thanay

    Prema entha madhuram

    1. Vijaya

      Plz vote for kalyana vaibhogam serial

  24. Anonymous

    Kalyan viabhogam

  25. V.Mounika

    My favorite serial is prema entha maduram… acting of aryavardhan and anuradha are amazing…I just love it..super couple…never missed a single episode…cute couple… thank you

  26. Sheeba

    We all our family love to watch kalyana vaibhogam serial
    Uttama serial,muchataina janta,uttama jodi….jai manga …our vote for kalyana vaibhogam…

    1. Harika

      Superr serial radhamma kuthuru

  27. Anonymous

    I love kalyana vibhogam serial very much

  28. Radhika

    I love kalyana vibhogam serial very much

  29. Charan

    Vote for super and awesome serial radhamma kutur

    1. Radhika

      Vote for super super serial kalyana vibhogam serial

  30. Ramarao

    My family and total street will like radhamma kuturu I like more in that I like akshara , aravind , radhamma. , sruti, durga etc

    1. Charan

      Even me bro

  31. Radhika

    𝓜𝔂 𝓯𝓪𝓿𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓵 𝓲𝓼 𝓴𝓪𝓵𝔂𝓪𝓷𝓪 𝓿𝓪𝓲𝓫𝓱𝓸𝓰𝓪𝓶

    1. Anonymous

      My favourite serial Kalyana vaibhogam

  32. kavya

    always kalyana vaibhogam is superultimate and waiting for comeback of jai

  33. Nammu

    My favorite serial

    1. Vijaya

      Plz vote for kalyana vaibhogam serial it is my favorite serials

  34. S,laxmi

    Kalyana vibogam serial beautiful and my favorite serial

  35. Nyni

    My favourite serial forever is prema entha madhuram serial

  36. Nyni

    My favourite serial forever is prema entha madhuram

  37. Seetha

    Prema entha madhuram

  38. prameela

    kalyana vaibhogam serial supar

  39. sruthi

    all time fav serial kalayanavaibhogme serial

  40. Pavani

    Please for vote kalyana vaibhogam serial and raktha sambandham

    1. Radhika

      𝓜𝔂 𝓯𝓪𝓿𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓵 𝓲𝓼 𝓴𝓪𝓵𝔂𝓪𝓷𝓪 𝓿𝓪𝓲𝓫𝓱𝓸𝓰𝓪𝓶 𝓘 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓴𝓪𝓵𝔂𝓪𝓷𝓪 𝓿𝓪𝓲𝓫𝓱𝓸𝓰𝓪𝓶 𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓵

  41. Vijaya

    Plz vote for kalyana vaibhogam serial

    1. prameela

      kalyana vaibhogam serial supar

    2. Sheeba awaroopalatha

      Complete our family we love to watch Kalyana vaibhogam serial …and our vote for kalyana vaibhogam serial.
      Muchataina janta , uttama Jodi, uttama serial kalyana vaibhogam

  42. Mayuri

    i love kalyana vaibhogam serial

    1. prameela

      kalyana vaibhogam serial supar

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